Friday, June 19, 2009


Well, I have been waiting all week to find out the results of my promotion test to E-6 (TSgt), and today I finally found out!  I got promoted!!  Needless to say I am pretty flabbergasted!  I honestly didn't think I made it, but I guess all that studying I did the few days before really paid off!  I only made it by 2 pts, but it doesn't matter because I passed!  This was only my 2nd time testing for Tech so I feel great!  The average is much higher.  The average to make TSgt is about 11-12 years...but I made it at the end of my 8th!  So, even though I was slow to pick up SSgt (mainly due to apathy) looks like I made up for it here and I am still ahead of the curve!!
Unfortunately, I won't sew on till next year around this time.  My line number is 6811, which has nothing to do with my score, but just my time in service/time in grade.  The way I am looking at it though, the hard part is out of the way!  Now I just have to sit back, and wait for my line number to come up! 
A bunch of us are going out to dinner to celebrate at this amazing Korean restaurant in Hachinohe.  Patty and I are both wicked excited!  Some of the best food ever.  And there will probably be much drinking to go along with the food's a celebration!
Anyways, I got promoted.  I am happy.  That is all! 


  1. Congratulations TSgt!! I'm so so proud of you my love!!!!!

  2. Wow, Corey - first college bound, and now this! I looked this up on the Internet to understand a little more about Air Force ranks - found your name posted at This is quite an accomplishment, I see. Patty seems very proud of you! Heartiest congratulations.
    PS I like your new blog!

  3. Congratulations! Soon you'll be running the organization and I can say I knew you back when you were a mere TSgt.
