Monday, June 1, 2009

Curious Cuisine

On Sunday Patty and I decided to go up to the Shimoda Mall for fun...ok, actually I really wanted to see the new Star Trek movie, and we haven't been to a Japanese movie theater before. They really are a bit different from American theaters for 2 main reasons. One, the price is about $20 per person, and second, there is actually reserved seating that you choose when you purchase your ticket. Pretty crazy, right?
Now, what I really wanted to mention here though is there is this great shop that sells all manner of wonderfully delicious breads/desserts. We have been by that place several times, and infact one of the first places that we were taken when we came to Misawa was the mall, and this little bread shop. They have just about everything you could imagine...cheese bread, scones, nan filled with indian curry (delicious btw), cold pizza slices, and the oddest one, a breaded and fried ham and cheese sandwich. Yes...that is right. They bread and then fry 2 slices of ham and a slice of cheese between two pieces of white bread. Maybe your not that suprised by it, but I sure was. I suppose Americans tend to fry some pretty weird stuff too, but I just had never heard of breading and frying a sandwich!
We ended up getting one, and to tell the truth, I liked it! It was pretty much just how you would think it should taste...crunchy on the outside, and ham sandwichy on the inside. My only critisizim would be that it was cold. I think it would have tasted way better had it been hot or even warm. I wish I had a picture of it, but sadly we didn't think of taking one...oh well..maybe next time.

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