Sunday, January 17, 2010

That's alot of Warhammer!

I traded some stuff for this sizable Warhammer army awhile ago, only to come to the conclusion that I don't really have the time (or the desire really) to play alot or get these guys up to a table top standard (ie painting and whatnot). So, I spent awhile today trying to sell them off. I think I might have some buyers too, which is very nice. These guys are always in demand so I hope I can move them. In another note, my side still hurts from my massive fall on Friday. Yesterday I was in all sorts of pain, and not just my side. I had this killer headache all day, and I didn't get around to posting a blog. Anyways, I felt guilty and the need to explain so, there you go. Anyways, good times, noodle salad.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog, Corey! This picture-a-day idea is great. Thanks for sharing.
